Clear Your Non-Supporting Past
Know in your soul that the old world and the past and those who haven’t supported you doesn’t exist for you any more.
Know in your soul that the old world and the past and those who haven’t supported you doesn’t exist for you any more.
I now accept that all “meaning” truly is Source. God is the only meaning of all meaning. Therefore, I give all meaning to God in every moment.
Are you willing to erase your entire relationship with money that’s connected to the “NOT?” When you let go of the “NOT,” you can have a great relationship with numbers.
When was the last time you truly received? ✨ Would be willing to allow the angels to GIFT you in support of the God-love you are?
Life is an infinite miracle! Say out loud, “Thank you Source for giving me life. Thank you Source for my soul. I don’t know how you did it, but I am grateful! Thank you Source for bringing all of this to light.”
Doubt the ego, not yourself. But, how do you know the difference? ✨ Pay attention to your thoughts and what you are telling yourself. Anything that is not kind, encouraging and gentle is the Ego.
Consciously choose love today in everything you do. Say to yourself, “I am love, I am loved, I am the heart of love!”
“In the name of Source and all that is light, by the law of Divine Grace, I (state your name) now accept I already am the space of ALL. I already am FREE as that space.”
Say out loud, “The truth is I am endless, never-ending love. The love I am is infinite. 💓 It never ceases. It never stops. It never goes away. It never judges.
The Only Thing We Really Know Is That Everything Is Going To Change. Change Your Focus on Knowing This. It Only Takes a Moment for Everything to Change.
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