Sacred Embrace of the Divine

A Powerful immersion into Your God-Self in Hawaii’s Healing Triangle

BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII - October 29 - November 3, 2024

“I work with highly sensitive/talented individuals who have never felt like they fit in or have been truly loved; to align with Lifeforce Energy, so that they can feel accepted and loved as they are, embrace their sensitivity as superpowers, and make the difference they came here to make.” – Rikka

Meet Rikka

Meet Rikka

Propelled by her unbounded love for humanity, Rikka has worked with people across the globe teaching effective transformational process to awaken the vibration of joy, peace, and possibility. Her light is a beacon of inspiration, inviting each person on the planet to remember, embrace and BE the magnificent, unique expression of the divinity they were born to be!


Online Courses

product image of online course titled the fully awakened divine feminine

6-8 week deep-dives into a specific topic.


product screenshot of audio activation titled hearing, trusting & following your intuition

2-3 hour guided meditation & facilitation.


Derek Rydall, Best-Selling Author & Transformational Coach

“Rikka is love embodied and pure joy in action. The transformation that Rikka creates through her facilitation is amazing — she has the ability to take people from a place of despair and return them to a place of self-love and empowerment, all in a way that is often unexpected.”

Derek RydallBest-Selling Author & Transformational Coach

Jennifer McLean, CEO, McLean MasterWorks

“Rikka is one of the pre-eminant transformational teachers and healers of our time. Once you work with Rikka you will say “What story? What trauma? Instead feeling the pure embodiment of you as oneness, love and light.”

Jennifer McLeanCEO, McLean MasterWorks

Ryan Eliason - Founder of Visionary Business School

“I’ve grown to admire many things about Rikka, and one them is her fierce commitment to love. She really gets that love is at the root of all personal and business success. You can only love others as much as you can love yourself, and you can only serve others to the degree that you genuinely care about them – and dare I say, love them!”

Ryan Eliason, Founder of The Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network

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