Would you be willing to invalidate your past totally and completely… and expect to have it invalidated? Know in your soul that the old world and the past and those who haven’t supported you doesn’t exist for you any more.
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Do a clearing meditation by inviting in Archangel Michael to assist you. Relax, take a deep breath and feel the presence of Archangel Michael elevate your vibration. Say out loud, “Archangel Michael, please assist me in clearing all entities, attachments and fears around (insert the experience). Breath this in and thank the experience; then release the experience from your body and mind. Next feel the light. Repeat this meditation anytime you need to clear that which no longer serves you.
Posted by Rikka Zimmerman on Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Join me at 5:45 Pacific every Wednesday on my Facebook page for the Weekly Uplift LIVE. This is a 15-minute deep-dive into this week’s insight where I give you further tools, and examples to incorporate the teaching into your life. Join our community and come with your questions! I usually have time to answer one or two each week.