When we have thoughts birthed from fear it interrupts the flow of magic.
Magic doesn’t come from the mind.
Magic is magic because it is magic. If you can explain it, then it isn’t magic. ✨
🎊 What if by playing with the infinite possibilities of joy and magic and fun and play, you allow in magic? 🎉
Play Today
Say out loud, “Magic come forth and show me the magic that is today “I am magic I am”
Open your heart. 💖
Begin invoking and asking magic to show you and bring you magic.
Be present with magic. 🌟
Give magic your presence.
Pay attention to the space in between and be present with the energies of magic!
Posted by Rikka Zimmerman on Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Join me at 5:45 Pacific every Wednesday on my Facebook page for the Weekly Uplift LIVE. This is a 15-minute deep-dive into this week’s insight where I give you further tools, and examples to incorporate the teaching into your life. Join our community and come with your questions! I usually have time to answer one or two each week.