Beloved Divine Angels,
What if the only time you “want” something to be different is when you are avoiding what’s inside?…
…So that you don’t have to feel the pain and loss of what happened?
Ask yourself this question: What am I meant to give myself here that I haven’t given to myself yet? ✨
Play Today
Say to yourself…
“I no longer need to fix, change or worry about anything. ✨
There’s nothing I have to do here.
I invite in the perfection here.
I invite in new awarenesses that everything happens in divine perfection.” ✨
Loving you always,
What if the only time you “want” something to be different is when you are avoiding what’s inside… so that you don’t have to feel pain and loss…
Posted by Rikka Zimmerman on Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Join me at 5:45 Pacific every Wednesday on my Facebook page for the Weekly Uplift LIVE. This is a 15-minute deep-dive into this week’s insight where I give you further tools, and examples to incorporate the teaching into your life. Join our community and come with your questions! I usually have time to answer one or two each week.