Control is keeping you from receiving the gift of life and the gifts God and the angels have for you.
The angels would never try to control Heaven.
There is nothing to control here.
If you are willing to let go of control and surrender, everything turns into a heavenly space of love. 💖
The Angels say, “If you knew how much we love you and how much we gift to you, you would never settle for control.”
It is only an illusion that you are separate from God. Know that you are love. Know that you are loved.
When you control, it is control that is controlling you.
Play Today
Let the gentleness into your heart and say out loud, “I love myself so much that I choose to not connect to limitation.
I choose to trust in the angels to assist me in anything and everything in my life so that control does not even exist!” ✨
Control is keeping you from receiving the gift of life.
Posted by Rikka Zimmerman on Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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